USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences July 27 - August 2, 2015
Once again, the Ireland Study Abroad Program - Global Social Policy, Planning and Practices: Solutions to Homelessness and Ireland was a total success. Led by MHLP Faculty, Mark Engelhardt; eleven CBCS students, representing six majors studied in residence at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland for a week; were immersed on community-based field visits and toured the West Coast of Ireland (Galway, Dingle, Killarney). International faculty included; Dr. Sam Tsemberis (U.S.); Dr. Eoin O'Sullivan ( Trinity College and the European Observatory on Homelessness); Dr. Paula Mayock (Trinity College and leading women's and children's advocate in Ireland/Europe) and Dr. Stephen Gaetz (Canadian Observatory - Homeless Hub). Field visits included clinical and advocacy presentations from Ireland's National Homeless Providers: The Simon Community, Focus Ireland and the USF students were invited and participated in a rare Regional/ City Council meeting: "Housing First: The Solution to Rough Sleeping", with other global experts on solving homelessness. As several students reported, "the course was life changing". The 2016 program is currently being planned with commitments by our Irish colleagues.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2015 KIDS COUNT® Data Book released today shows that while Florida is experiencing positive growth in economic trends, the number of children living in poverty continues to rise. The report also goes on to show that a third of Florida's children are living with parents who lack secure employment. The data places Florida's national ranking in the economic well-being of our children at 45th. Read more...
You can discuss your personal financial situation with an experienced TIAA-CREF Financial Consultant on a confidential basis. They are available to discuss how to help you pursue your financial goals by investing in financial products such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. A detailed evaluation tells you everything you need to know and do. Our individual counseling session will help you answer these questions:
- Are you setting realistic goals for key life events and retirement?
- Can you better balance your spending priorities to help you save more for your financial goals?
- What investment mix and strategy is right for you?
- What retirement income options may be right for your situation?
Date | Time | Location | Tuesday, August 11, 2015 | 10:00am - 4:00pm | MHC 1123 | Tuesday, August 18, 2015 | 10:00am - 4:00pm | MHC 1123 |
Title: "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) in a High School Setting" Student: Kaitlin Sullivan Date: Monday, August 4, 2015 Time: 1:00pm Location: MHC 2324
USF Professor training bartenders to prevent sex assaults ABC Action News A USF criminology professor is visiting bars across the area, hoping to prevent sexual assault.
Kids Count: Health Measures Improve In FL Health News Florida I would say that while we do have some bright spots, in terms of teen deaths, improvement in the teen birth rate, I think there needs to be continued effort to give these children access to health care," said Dr. Norin Dollard, who co-directs Florida KIDS COUNT at the University of South Florida in Tampa.
Training Aims to Recognize, Reduce Bias Officer.com This week, four members of the agency learned how officers can recognize and counteract their biases, said Lorie Fridell, who developed the Fair and Impartial Policing training program...
Hospice care may start later for patients in assisted living Fox News, Reuters Sometimes hospice begins too late to provide enough time for optimal support and pain management, said Debra Dobbs, a researcher in aging at the University of South Florida in Tampa who wasn't involved in the study.
Kids Count: Economy Hurts FL Children Health News Florida
The latest Kids Count report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation shows that childhood poverty and family unemployment were major factors behind Florida's rank of 37th in the country for child well-being.
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Information on recent/upcoming publications should be forwarded to Ardis Hanson. (hanson@usf.edu)