USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences September 21 - 27, 2015
Helen Lamont, PhD, will present "All the President's Gerontologists: Building Partnerships to Fight Dementia" at 10:30am on Friday, September 25, 2015 in the College of Public Health auditorium (COPH 1023-A). Dr. Lamont is a 2007 PhD in Aging Studies graduate. Currently, she is the Senior Long-Term Care Policy Analyst in the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services. From 2011 to 2014, Dr. Lamont led the development of the "National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease". She works on issues related to falls prevention, dementia, elder abuse prevention, informal caregiving, and the Older Americans Act. As part of the 2015 White House Conference on Aging, Dr. Lamont developed "The Affordable Care Act and Caregivers Research Brief," available at: http://aspe.hhs.gov/basic-report/affordable-care-act-and-caregivers-research-brief. The event is sponsored by the USF Florida Policy Exchange Center on Aging and School of Aging Studies. For more information email Lydia Hentschel at lhentsch@usf.edu or call (813) 974-8201.
Lindsay Peterson, a PhD student in the School of Aging Studies, and Kathryn Hyer, a professor in the School or Aging Studies were invited to present a webinar on September 17th for ZurickDavis, a health care executive recruitment firm that also provides coaching for new executives. The webinar, titled "Learn from Leaders: Communicating with Older Adults about Long Term Care," is based on a recent journal article by Peterson and Hyer concerning how the state of Florida communicated with Medicaid beneficiaries concerning their mandatory transition to Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Stephen Roggenbaum, CFS and gubernatorial appointee to Florida's Suicide Prevention Coordinating Council, crafted a letter highlighting the importance of each of our efforts. The letter lists warning signs and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number [800-273-8255 (TALK)] available 24/7 for anyone concerned about themselves or someone else. Read the letter...
All of us have benefited as protégés from more experienced mentors to learn our teacher-investigator craft. Mentoring junior colleagues is valued for all faculty, regardless of your level. This opening Research Forum will focus on how to contribute to the mentoring process. This discussion targets post-docs through full professors.
We will talk about the joys and pitfalls of mentoring, why few qualify as "super mentors," and how to place appropriate boundaries and expectations around mentoring relationships. Please come, share and learn some great tips for mentoring so we can be more successful with our grants, teaching, publishing, and service.
Tuesday, September 29th
11:00am - 12:15pm
Westside A
Penn State finds more painkiller abuse among rural and small town kids PennLive.com The research was carried out by Shannon Monnat, an assistant professor of rural sociology at Penn State, and Khary K. Rigg, an assistant professor of mental health law and policy at the University of South Florida.
Teens in small towns more likely to abuse painkillers Futurity.org Further, rural adolescents are more likely to go to emergency rooms for care rather than to a primary doctor, says Khary K. Rigg, assistant professor of mental health law and policy at the University of South Florida. Emergency room doctors are more likely than primary care doctors to prescribe painkillers.
If you have news/events you would like posted on the CBCS website and/or newsletter, please send the details and any attachments to CBCS Marketing. (CBCSMarketing@usf.edu)
Be sure to include all pertinent information in the format you would like to have posted (title, date, times, location, event description and contact information). Please provide your information in editable digital text format.
Information on recent/upcoming publications should be forwarded to Ardis Hanson. (hanson@usf.edu)