USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences November 23 - 29, 2015
Lise Fox, PhD, was an invited guest and presenter at the federal celebration of the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. Dr. Fox participated in the White House Celebration and was a presenter on a panel of national researchers in a symposium on the status and future of special education. Dr. Fox's presentation, "Looking to the Future in Early Intervention and Early Childhood", was part of a symposium that included a panel of distinguished researchers who shared their expertise in special education and discussed the future for promoting even greater educational achievement by students with disabilities. More information, including a link to the presentation is available here.
The University of South Florida, against stiff international competition, has won the right to host the 2018 International Society for Gerontechnology conference, which will be held in St. Petersburg, Florida. William Kearns, PhD, CFS Associate Professor in the Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling program and President of the International Society for Gerontechnology North American chapter was instrumental in obtaining the local bid for the conference. Past conferences, which average 500 attendees, have been held in prime international venues such as Pisa (Italy) 2008, Vancouver (Canada) 2010, Eindhoven (The Netherlands) 2012, and Taipei (Taiwan) 2014. The mission of the ISG is to encourage and promote technological innovations in products and services that address older peoples' ambitions and needs on the basis of scientific knowledge about aging processes including cultural and individual differences. Read more...
William Kearns, PhD, delivered the prestigious Mitchell Rosenthal Memorial international webinar entitled "The Tortuous Path to TBI Recovery - Mapping the 'Punch-Drunkard's' Walk" at the invitation of the Brain Injury Association of America and the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation on November 10th, 2015. His address may be viewed here.
The Department of Child & Family Studies recently published its Fall 2015 Quarterly newsletter. The eight-page document provides updates on the Department's programs as well as current highlights of faculty, students and alumni. The PDF version of the newsletter can be downloaded here.
The link to Social Work's Fall 2015 newsletter was inadvertently left out of last week's newsletter. The PDF version of the newsletter can be viewed here.
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Information on recent/upcoming publications should be forwarded to Ardis Hanson. (hanson@usf.edu)