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USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

January 10 - 16, 2021

CBCS Highlighted in Latest Edition of USF Magazine
usf magazine coverStorie Miller (CFS) contributed an article titled People with developmental disabilities get support from USF's "hidden gem" regarding FCIC's work over the past 15 years to advocate for, and provide resources to, individuals with disabilities and their families (page 11). Dr. Kathy Black (Aging Studies) is highlighted in the Research and Innovation section on "Becoming age-friendly" for her work that focuses on quality-of-life issues for older community members (page 15). Lisa Landis (DO) is part of the USF Heroes Student Success team and their impressive work converting course schedules during the pandemic (page 38). Full articles are available here.
Children's Book Debuts #1 New Release on Amazon in the Poverty Category
Never Had A Friend book coverDr. Micah Johnson invests his personal time to provide education on topics related to race, poverty, and other issues at the intersection of social justice and mental health. He wrote and released a picture book as a way for parents and child services providers to have difficult conversations with children. The inital thought was that they would just print a few copies and distribute them as freebies after presentations at community events. However, the book debuted at #1 for New Releases on Amazon in the poverty and homelessness category. It has held that spot since it was released. The book has resonated with individuals who want to make an investment in the character development of their children and loved ones in their families and communities.

A lonely child who wishes for a friend, loses his home, and is faced with heartbreaking hardships and awful adversities. Finding friendship and happiness seems impossible. As his faith dwindles, he wonders, will I ever find a friend? Do I deserve love? In his deepest despair, he discovers the phenomenal and immeasurable human capacity for compassion. The book covers several topic areas: Prejudice; homelessness and poverty; growing up and facts of life; difficult discussions; emotions and feelings; and friendship, social skills and school life.

More information about this book is available here.
2021 Dean's Awards for Faculty and Students
Nominations are being accepted for the following awards
  • Faculty Awards
    • Outstanding Research Award
    • Outstanding Teaching Award
    • Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award
    • Outstanding Service Award
  • Student Awards
    • Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award
    • Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award
    • Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award

Please click on this link for further details and considering nominating deserving colleagues and students. Nominations are due to Devon Weist: by February 26th.

CEBCP-WestEd 2021 Conversation Series Inaugural Event: January 12, 2021

Join the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy and The WestEd Justice & Prevention Research Center for an Important Online Conversation

The criminal justice system in the United States has grappled for many decades with racial and ethnic disparities in its outcomes. Findings from studies of juvenile justice, policing, pretrial and bail decisions, sentencing, and corrections consistently indicate inequities in the experiences of Black, Native American and Indigenous, and Hispanic American people in the criminal justice system compared to those of white people.

The fundamental question that connects the work of researchers to that of policymakers and practitioners is, "What can we do to mitigate systemwide disparities?"

Join the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy and the WestEd Justice & Prevention Research Center for a series of engaging online conversations that will use scientific evidence to explore this critical issue.

This first discussion in the series will take place on January 12th, 2021 from 12:00 - 1:15pm EST and will feature leading scholars and experts who will examine whether training innovations in procedural justice, implicit bias, de-escalation, and community policing can lead to more equitable outcomes. Professors Robin Engel, Lorie Fridell, and Tracey Meares, as well as Deputy Chief Tarrick McGuire will share research, evidence, and operational practices to tackle this important question and promote systemwide change.

Learn more and register today!
This is my Brave announcement
New Publications
  1. Douglas, K. S., & Otto, R. K. (2021). Handbook of Violence Risk Assessment, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Routledge.
  2. Sharp, A., Carlson, M., Howell, V., Moore, K., & Schuman-Olivier, Z. (2021). Letting the sun shine on patient voices: Perspectives about medications for opioid use disorder in Florida. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 123, 108247. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108247
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If you have news/events, or recent/upcoming publications you would like posted on the CBCS website and/or newsletter, please send the details and any attachments to CBCS Marketing. (

Be sure to include all pertinent information in the format you would like to have posted (title, date, times, location, event description and contact information). Please provide your information in editable digital text format.

Articles included in the CBCS Communique may be disseminated to USF Media outlets and/or beyond.