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USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

February 7 - 13, 2021

Did you know
2021 Campus-wide Calendar of Events for Black History Month
The 2021 campus-wide calendar of events for Black History month is available online at Please contact Nicky Luckett ( for more information.
Spring Assembly - Save the Date
coronavirus updates
MHLP Professor Presents COVID-19 & Mental Health Webinars
Amber Gum, PhD, presented for two recent webinars related to COVID-19 and mental health, with CEUs available for some professions. The first was a webinar co-presented with Drs. Asa Oxner and Lucy Guerra titled "The USF CoCo+ Clinic (Covid Positive Confirmed Clinic): Integrating physical and mental wellness" as part of University of Florida's Primary Care Innovations webinar series ( The second was titled "Caring for your mental well-being" for the Frontline Nursing During COVID-19: A New Paradigm presented by University of South Florida College of Nursing. Frontline Nursing During COVID-19 is a continuing education program designed to help nurses gain the necessary tools and resources needed to empower you as a frontline nurse. This series provides up to 4 CEUs free. Register now: or email for more information.
Research Roundup
Ráchael Powers & Bryanna Fox (Criminology)
City of Tampa CGIC Initiative
Sponsor: City of Tampa Police Department
Amount: $750,000 with $150,000 subcontract to USF

The objective of this project is to evaluate Tampa Police Department's new Crime Gun Intelligence Center (CGIC). Using technology to analyze ballistic evidence and inter-agency coordination to facilitate information sharing, the CGIC model aims to provide officers with timely actionable intelligence and resources to solve fatal and non-fatal shootings. Drs. Powers and Fox are responsible for conducting a mixed methods process and outcome evaluation of the use of CGIC to address violent gun and gang crime in Tampa.
CARD-USF, KultureCity and Autism Friendly Tampa to Provide a Sensory Inclusive Experience for ALL Fans at Super Bowl Experience Presented by Lowe's
"CARD-USF is honored to be volunteering at the Super Bowl Experience Sensory Zone. As a local community resource, we look forward to connecting with attendees and fulfilling our mission of being 'Florida's first choice for autism support.' We also welcome visitors to come learn more about CARD and the Autism Friendly Tampa initiative. See you at the Sensory Zone!" Liz Burke, Consultant, Center for Autism & Related Disabilities at the University of South Florida.
2021 Recognition Award Program (RAP)
It is time for our annual Recognition Award Program (RAP). Every year CBCS recognizes the achievements and contributions of two staff personnel through the RAP, which is designed to recognize individual Administrative, Staff, and OPS/Temporary employees within the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences for their extraordinary achievement in the workplace. The RAP award is the college's highest honor for Administrative, Staff, and OPS/Temporary employees. The CBCS Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce that we will be receiving nominations beginning February 8th – March 19th. Two individuals will be selected to receive an award of $750 each. The honorees will be presented at the Faculty & Staff Assembly on April 23rd. Please send your nomination packages to Wendy Stoneman-Shelby via email to
CBCS Student Employee Appreciation Week and Student Employee of the Year
We are gearing up for CBCS Student Employee Appreciation Week (SEAW) and the CBCS Student Employee of the Year award (SEOTY). Nominations are now open for the CBCS Student Employee of the Year award. We encourage you to nominate one of our exemplary student employees. One FWSP or Student Assistant and one Graduate Assistant will be chosen. The nomination form should be completed fully and returned to Wendy ( by February 26, 2021. Recipients will be announced during Student Employee Appreciation Week - March 22-26, 2021.
CBCS In The News

Only 30% of long-term facility staff in state want COVID-19 vaccine, data shows
WFTV(ABC) and Central Florida's TV 27-Orlando
... more a risk to each other," said Dr. Lindsay Peterson with University of South Florida. "(Employees could) pass it along to a resident who ...

Is there a connection between the Super Bowl and human trafficking? Here's what the experts say
St Pete Catalyst
"I think most of the recent research around this issue has shown it is far more myth than reality," said Joan Reid, a criminology professor at USF's St. Petersburg campus. "Sex trafficking occurs in the dark and is kind of hidden. Around the Super Bowl, everyone turns on their flashlights and ...

New Publications
  1. Miles, Shannon R. PhD; Silva, Marc A. PhD; Neumann, Dawn PhD; Dillahunt-Aspillaga, Christina PhD; Corrigan, John D. PhD; Tang, Xinyu PhD; Eapen, Blessen C. MD; Nakase-Richardson, Risa PhD, FACRM Demographic and Mental Health Predictors of Arrests Up to 10 Years Post-Traumatic Brain Injury, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation: January 27, 2021 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000640
  2. Silva, M. A., VandenBussche Jantz, A. B., Klocksieben, F., Monden, K. R., Rabinowitz, A. R., Cotner, B. A., . . . Nakase-Richardson, R. (2021). Unmet rehabilitation Needs indirectly influence life Satisfaction 5 years after traumatic brain Injury: A Veterans Affairs TBI model SYSTEMS STUDY. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(1), 58-67. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2020.08.012
Adding News/Events/Publications to the CBCS Website and Newsletter
If you have news/events, or recent/upcoming publications you would like posted on the CBCS website and/or newsletter, please send the details and any attachments to CBCS Marketing. (

Be sure to include all pertinent information in the format you would like to have posted (title, date, times, location, event description and contact information). Please provide your information in editable digital text format.

Articles included in the CBCS Communique may be disseminated to USF Media outlets and/or beyond.