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USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

February 21 - 27, 2021

Meet Tracy Payne
CBCS Black faculty and staff contribute to USF strategic goals
Kosyluk to Serve on Florida Cabinet Advisory Board
Kristin KosylukDr. Kristin Kosyluk, Assistant Professor of Mental Health Law & Policy, has been asked to serve as an advisory board member and subject matter expert on the Social Stigma on Mental Health workgroup of the Florida Children and Youth Cabinet. The Florida Children and Youth Cabinet was signed into legislation in 2007 by the Governor of Florida and charged with promoting and implementing collaboration, creativity, increased efficiency, information sharing and improved service delivery between and within state agencies and organizations. The vision of the Cabinet is that all children in Florida grow up safe, healthy, educated and prepared to meet their full potential. The Cabinet's mission is to ensure that the public policy of Florida relating to children and youth promotes interdepartmental collaboration and program implementation in order for services designed for children and youth to be planned, managed and delivered in a holistic and integrated manner to improve the self-sufficiency, safety, economic stability, health and quality of life of all children and youth in Florida. In her role on this workgroup, Dr. Kosyluk has been asked to provide expertise on stigma surrounding mental illness and how to address stigma. She is collaborating with workgroup members to draft a report on stigma and mental health for the Chair of the Florida Children and Youth Cabinet, First Lady Casey DeSantis.
Research Roundup
Lindsay PetersonLindsay Peterson (Aging Studies)
Disaster Preparedness for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia
Sponsor: Retirement Research Foundation
Amount: $137,662.00

The repeated disasters and emergency events of the past decade make preparedness and response for vulnerable populations an urgent concern. Caregivers of people with dementia consistently report the need for more information and support to manage the physical needs and behaviors (e.g. aggression, anxiety) of those they provide care for. The disruptions that occur during an emergency compound their challenges. The aim of this project is to conduct qualitative research with caregivers of persons with dementia who live in Florida, exploring prior experience, attitudes toward preparedness, and lessons learned, as well as preferences concerning how preparedness information is delivered. We plan to use this knowledge to develop products containing guidance for multiple-hazard disaster preparation and response (e.g. hurricane, flooding, pandemic) and to ensure these products meet the multiple needs of caregivers in the information provided and the way in which it is delivered.
Spring Assembly - Save the Date
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CBCS In The News

Florida lawmakers open debate over staffing in nursing homes
Tampa Bay Times
Lindsay Peterson, research assistant professor of aging studies at the University of South Florida. But, she said, supervision and proper...

Local professor shares his story to encourage minority children
"It's a remarkable moment in time for me," said Dr. Micah Johnson…Johnson went on to college, got a master's degree and his PhD. Now he's a USF professor and an author.

Pasco sheriff's deputy involved in bar fight faced no charges
Yahoo! News (Tampa Bay Times)
...said Lorie Fridell, a professor of criminology at the University of South Florida. The pandemic and heightened scrutiny of police officers...

Pain and Isolation Are Driving America's Lockdown Overdose Surge
Khary Rigg, associate professor of mental health law and policy at the University of South Florida, studies people who use drugs, many of...

Book Chapter by USF Authors Among the Springer Nature 2020 Highlights
foundations of behavioral healthA book chapter written by CFS Associate Professor Bruce Lubotsky Levin and USF Health Libraries Assistant Director Ardis Hanson is among the Springer Nature 2020 Highlights, having been downloaded 138,000 times during the past year.
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New Publication
  1. Hsieh, M., Wang, S. K., & Cao, L. (2021). Understanding cyberbullying victimization from an integrated approach: Offline preventive attributes and behavior problems do matter. Victims & Offenders, 1-21. doi:10.1080/15564886.2021.1881002
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