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USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

February 28 - March 6, 2021

MSW Student Named 2021 NASW-FL Student of the Year
Grace JonesCongratulations to one of our MSW students, Grace Jones who was selected by the selection committee of the NASW-FL as the 2021 NASW-Florida Chapter Student of the Year. The award will be presented on Wednesday, 3/31/2021 at the NASW virtual Unit Social Work Month Celebration and Award Ceremony, beginning at 6:00 PM.

Thanks to adjunct professor Tanya Johnson-Gilchrist for nominating Grace, to Dr. Chris Simmons who wrote the letter of recommendation and to another adjunct professor, Sharon Barber who brought the opportunity to nominate a student to our attention. .
CFS Research Professor to Give Opening Keynote
Heather Peshak-GeorgeCFS Research Professor Heather Peshak-George is providing the opening keynote this week for the state-wide California PBIS Coalition (CPC) Spring Virtual Conference. Over 1000 individuals have registered for the conference. The CPC serves as a network for state education leaders, county offices, school districts and schools implementing multi-tier frameworks through Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS). For additional information, visit:
2021 Recognition Award Program (RAP) to Add COVID-Related Category
There has been an update to the RAP process for this year. We are adding a third recipient for a COVID-related category. For 2021 there will be three winners, two that fall under the traditional criteria and an additional winner that will fall under special COVID-related criteria:
  • The employee performed substantially above and beyond expectation on a specific COVID-related task or project; or
  • The employee made a contribution(s) that had a significant impact related to COVID procedures on university, college, or department/school objectives; or
  • The employee went above and beyond the normal responsibilities required by his/her position to support the COVID procedures; or
  • The employee assumed added responsibilities to address a situation in which there was an important unmet need in the organization regarding the implementation of COVID procedures.
There is still plenty of time to get in your nominations. Nominations forms are available here: PDF - Word
Spring Assembly - Save the Date
coronavirus updates
March 17, 2021 CABH information session
2021 Speaker Series: How Biases Affect Racism
CBCS Doctoral Dissertation Defense
Title: The Pathway to Self-Protection in Cyberspace: Assessing the Processual Relationship Between Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making, Protection Motivation Theory, Cyber Hygiene, and Online Victimization
Student: C. Jordan Howell
Department: Criminology
Date: Wednesday, March 10th, 2021
Time: 12:00-2:00 p.m.
Location: Online Meeting (Microsoft Teams)
CBCS In The News

'Dramatic increase' expected in number of long-term care facilities staff getting COVID-19 vaccines
... spread rapidly," said Dr. Lindsay Peterson with the University of South Florida's School of Aging Studies.

New Publications
  1. Arnold, M. L., Hyer, K., Small, B. J., Chisolm, T., Saunders, G. H., McEvoy, C. L., . . . Bainbridge, K. E. (2021). Factors associated with self-perceived hearing handicap in adults from hispanic/latino background. Ear & Hearing, Publish Ahead of Print. doi:10.1097/aud.0000000000000995
  2. Burruss, G. W., Howell, C. J., Maimon, D., & Wang, F. (2021). Website defacer classification: A finite mixture model approach. Social Science Computer Review, 089443932199423. doi:10.1177/0894439321994232
  3. Ngo, F. T., Piquero, N. L., Mastracchio, N. J., & Piquero, A. R. (2021). Sexual harassment among male and female public accountants: An exploratory study. Deviant Behavior, 1-17. doi:10.1080/01639625.2021.1890534
Adding News/Events/Publications to the CBCS Website and Newsletter
If you have news/events, or recent/upcoming publications you would like posted on the CBCS website and/or newsletter, please send the details and any attachments to CBCS Marketing. (

Be sure to include all pertinent information in the format you would like to have posted (title, date, times, location, event description and contact information). Please provide your information in editable digital text format.

Articles included in the CBCS Communique may be disseminated to USF Media outlets and/or beyond.