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USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

June 13 - 19, 2021

USF-PATS Client Spotlight
The USF Speech-Language Clinic is proud to recognize Kevin Landau and Christopher Sue-Wah-Sing. Kevin and Chris are both USF alumni who went on to attend medical school at other institutions. Before medical school, Kevin and Chris attended the Program for Advanced Treatment of Stuttering, an intensive treatment program for stuttering offered each summer at USF. The USF Speech-Language Clinic continued supporting Kevin and Chris throughout their medical school journeys. We are proud to support speech-language clients in the short- and long-term as they pursue life goals. Congratulations Dr. Landau and Dr. Sue-Wah-Sing!

Kevin Landau and Christopher Sue-Wah-Sing
MHLP Project on Primary Care Patients with Trauma History Recognized by PCORI
Amber GumThe Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has recognized the Primary Care Patients with Trauma History: Expanding a "Safety" Research Partnership and Network project from the Department of Mental Health Law and Policy. The project has received PCORI's Engagement Award, and an interview with Amber Gum, the Primary Investigator, was featured in the institute's newsletter. You can read the interview here.
Criminology Associate Professor Elected to SCJA
Ráchael PowersRáchael Powers, PhD, has been elected as 2nd Vice President of the Southern Criminal Justice Association (SCJA), a regional association of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). She will begin her term in the presidential line this September at the annual conference.
Authorship Survey
Importance of Intellectual Credit

Intellectual credit for scientific work is important in many industries and especially in academics. In an academic context, authorship on publications is typically the most powerful means used to denote intellectual recognition for students and faculty and thus is directly relevant to career progression and success.

Despite the increasing importance of authorship on publications and existing professional guidelines, there can be confusion over what constitutes an intellectual contribution and how to determine authorship order. More needs to be learned about how to prevent authorship disputes, how such disputes are best resolved, and how to facilitate open, collegial conversations about authorship especially between faculty and students.

Current Survey

In this 10-minute (completely online) research study (Study#002603, approved by USF IRB), we would like to gather thoughts from USF faculty members and graduate students across disciplines who engage in academic research. Responses of USF faculty members and graduate students can contribute to the broad conversation about authorship in academic research.

If you are a USF faculty member, you will not be compensated for your survey response. Nonetheless, your survey response will be greatly appreciated as it will help us better understand authorship-related issues. If you a graduate student AND is one of the first 120 graduate students who complete the survey, you will receive a $5 Amazon gift card. If you are a graduate student AND is not one of the first 120 graduate students who complete the survey, you will not receive a $5 Amazon gift card.

If you are interested in participating in this survey, please click on the following link:
USF ABA Program Presents at the 2021 Association for Behavior Analysis International Virtual Conference
The ABAI annual convention is the largest gathering of behavior analysts in the world--whether in a convention hall or online. Attendees represent more than 50 countries. 25 USF ABA students were among the presenting authors.
2021 Summer Institute Graphic
CBCS Doctoral Candidacy
Vivian BellVivian Bell, a Graduate Teaching Assistant in CFS has advanced to Doctoral Candidacy in the College's interdisciplinary program in Behavioral and Community Sciences.
Jennifer TranJennifer Tran, a Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant in MHLP has advanced to Doctoral Candidacy in the College's interdisciplinary program in Behavioral and Community Sciences.
New Publications
  1. Nelson, M. E., Andel, R., Nedelska, Z., Martinkova, J., Cechova, K., Markova, H., Matuskova, V., Nikolai, T., Lerch, O., Parizkova, M., Laczo, J., Vyhnalek, M., & Hort, J. (2021). The Association Between Homocysteine and Memory in Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 81(1), 413–426. DOI: 10.3233/jad-201558
  2. Pate, K. M. (2021). Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children: A Comprehensive Review. Inquiries Journal, 13(2), 1–1.
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Be sure to include all pertinent information in the format you would like to have posted (title, date, times, location, event description and contact information). Please provide your information in editable digital text format.

Articles included in the CBCS Communique may be disseminated to USF Media outlets and/or beyond.