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USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

July 12 - 18, 2021

Summer Research Institute 2021 Cohort
2021 sri cohortWe are so happy to welcome our 2021 Summer Research Institute (SRI) cohort. Although our program began May 27th, we have had a virtual program up until students came to the USF campus on Friday June 25th. Students traveled from 8 different states and 10 different universities. They are all working on a research project with their faculty mentor related to behavior health as well as attending weekly seminars and going on community field experiences such as observing drug court and touring treatment facilities. They will all present their research at the end of the 11-week program on Wednesday August 4th.

Front Row (left to right) – Crystal Alcalde, Jenae Cipolla, Anastasiia Korolevskaia, Dailizza Arocha, Kimberly Collamore, Ryan Kenneally
Back Row (left to right) – Cheyenne Weaver, Ahmad Zalt, Kendra Westmoreland, Anton Maslov, Brooke Haney
Dr. Anthony Appointed to Florida Council for Early Grade Success
jason anthonyJason Anthony, PhD, EdS, has been appointed as a member of the Council for Early Grade Success serving as a representative with subject matter expertise by Senator Wilton Simpson. His term of office will begin immediately and expires July 1, 2025.
Dr. Callejas Selected for Writing Fellowship
linda callejasLinda Callejas, PhD, was recently one of 12 selected for the Summer Writing Fellowship at Purdue University.
MFT Student Myisha Wallace Accepted Into National AAMFT Minority Fellowship Program
Myisha WallaceMyisha Wallace was accepted into the national American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Minority Fellowship Program for 2021/2022. The program is dedicated to expanding the delivery of culturally competent mental health and substance abuse services to underserved minority populations, and increasing the number of culturally competent Marriage and Family therapists who will provide direct mental health and substance abuse services to racial and ethnic minority and underrepresented populations, conduct research, and teach in these areas. Read More
we are ready to return to campus
graphic of A B A Online master's informtion session july 28 2021
graphic announcing the 2021 arts in the park virtual event
Three Students Enter CBCS Doctoral Candidacy
Emily Baton
Emily Baton, a Graduate Research Assistant in CFS has advanced to Doctoral Candidacy in the College's interdisciplinary program in Behavioral and Community Sciences.
Areana Cruz
Areana Cruz, a Social & Behavioral Researcher in CFS has advanced to Doctoral Candidacy in the College's interdisciplinary program in Behavioral and Community Sciences.
Tram Tran
Tram Tran, a Graduate Teaching Assistant in MHLP has advanced to Doctoral Candidacy in the College's interdisciplinary program in Behavioral and Community Sciences.
CBCS In The News

Florida law offering 'BOGO' tuition for STEM majors raises faculty concerns
Yahoo News (Tampa Bay Times)
University of South Florida Faculty Senate President Tim Boaz said as a parent of a recent college graduate and student who is in college ...

USF Sleep Study
researchers from the University of South Florida. Look at the consequences of sleeping fewer than 6 hours for 8 consecutive nights in 2000 middle-aged adults

Even just a few nights of little sleep can negatively affect your health, data shows
early death, the Sleep Foundation reports. The University of South Florida researchers analyzed the consequences of sleeping fewer than ...

Pinellas County Horse Owners Brace for the Stress of July 4 Fireworks
Tampa Bay Times
"Planned events are typically orchestrated, organized, and predictable," said Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga, an associate professor of child and family studies at the University of South Florida.

Florida child well-being improves, but ranks 35th overall in nation
State of
Florida KIDS COUNT Director Norín Dollard, MD, reflected on lessons learned from the pandemic and the work ahead.

Even one night of sleep loss affects mental and physical health, according to a new study
The Hill and other outlets
"Many of us think that we can pay our sleep debt on weekends and be more productive on weekdays," says lead study author Soomi Lee, assistant professor in the School of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida and author of the paper, in a press release."

CBCS In The News (cont)

Less Sleep Impacting Health
WFTS(ABC)-Tampa and aired on other stations across the country
t doesn't take losing a lot of sleep to impact your health. usf researchers found it takes one night sleep is less than six hours could ...

Age-Friendly Sarasota County, Florida
Kathy Black, a professor of aging studies at the University of South Florida,… As Black explains, "It's not like I could take a blood pressure reading of dignity.

Just one night of sleep loss harms your well-being, new study finds
CNN and other outlets
Lee, an assistant professor at the University of South Florida's School of Aging Studies and director of the Sleep, Stress and Health (STEALTH) Lab, studies sleep and the diverse factors that influence it across populations ...

Reducing Police Violence on Campus
should respond to those things. reporter: dr. lorie fridell is a usf criminologist and expert on biased policing. on school campuses, that ...

New Publications
  1. Haner, M., Sloan, M. M., Pickett, J. T., & Cullen, F. T. (2021). When Do Americans "See Something, Say Something"? Experimental Evidence on the Willingness to Report Terrorist Activity. Justice Quarterly, 1–25. doi: 10.1080/07418825.2021.1942162
  2. Lee, S. (2021). Naturally Occurring Consecutive Sleep Loss and Day-to-Day Trajectories of Affective and Physical Well-Being. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaab055
  3. Maimon, D., Howell, C. J., & Burruss, G. W. (2021). Restrictive deterrence and the scope of hackers' reoffending: Findings from two randomized field trials. Computers in Human Behavior, 125, 106943. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2021.106943
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