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USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

August 22 - 28, 2021

CFS Professors Retire with Emeritus Status
photo of david chiriboga top and carol amckinnon lewis bottomCFS wishes a fond farewell and congratulations to Professor David Chiriboga and Professor Carol MacKinnon-Lewis on their retirement from USF.

Throughout his 20-year career at the USF, Dr. Chiriboga has devoted substantial time to teaching, research and scholarly activity.

Dr. Chiriboga has a long history of producing outstanding researchers in the field of aging, serving as a mentor for numerous postdoctoral fellows and students, many of whom are Koreans. He is the recipient of the GSA Minority Mentorship honor, which is given annually to an individual who has exemplified outstanding commitment and dedication to mentoring minority researchers in the field of aging. He was also the recipient of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education's Hiram J. Friedsam Mentorship Award. Read more...

Dr. MacKinnon-Lewis joined USF in 2001 as a Full Professor and has contributed substantially to teaching, research and scholarly activity.

She was instrumental in the vision for development and implementation of the Graduate Certificate program in Children's Mental Health in the Department of Child and Family Studies (CFS). It was the first fully-online Certificate on the USF campus. She worked with the Provost's Office in initiating a policy for fee waivers for out-of-state students so that their tuition approximated that of in-state students. This was critical for the recruitment of non-Florida residents and was later extended to all Certificates on the campus. Read more...
Welcome to New CBCS Faculty
Please join us in welcoming our new faculty to CBCS. This photo was taken during new faculty orientation last week.

Child & Family Studies: Dr. Jessica Rice, Visiting Instructor; Dr. Bryon Miller, Instructor; Jesse DePaolo, Instructor; Dr. Anthony Concepcion, Visiting Instructor
Communication Sciences & Disorders: Hannah Gospodinsky, Clinical Instructor I; Lisa Hansel, Clinical Instructor I; Nichole Dwyer, Visiting Clinical Instructor; Michael Doing, Visiting Clinical Instructor; Dr. Debra Busacco, Visiting Instructor; Mahwish Ahmed, Visiting Clinical Instructor I; Emily Glass, Visiting Clinical Instructor I; Dr. Shaheen Awan, Research Professor
Criminology: Dr. Roberta Liggett O'Malley, Assistant Professor (SM campus); Amber Oderinde, Visiting Instructor; Colby Valentine, Visiting Instructor
Mental Health Law & Policy: Pam Aeppel, Instructor I
School of Aging Studies: Amy Corbin, Visiting Instructor
School of Social Work: Sarah Guadalupe, Instructor/Field Coordinator (SM campus); Akanke Omorayo-Adrenrele, Instructor/Field Coordinator; Breun Belcher, Visiting Instructor; Dr. Dasha Rhodes, Assistant Professor (SM campus)

screenshot of new faculty during virtual orientation
SW Courtesy Faculty Promoted
photo od doris boatengCongratulations to Dr. Doris Boateng, a School of Social Work courtesy faculty and former post-doctoral fellow to USF from the University of Ghana has just been promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Work, University of Ghana, Legon. Dr. Boateng's promotion is the direct result of her three-month stay for post-doctoral fellowship in May, 2018 at USF. As an early career faculty at the University of Ghana, Dr. Boateng won a BANGA-Africa grant to spend three months at the School of Social Work, USF, under the mentorship of Dr. Sondra Fogel to prepare manuscripts for publication in top-tier international journals. These publications and other lessons learned from the mentoring relationship were the basis for Dr. Boateng's assessment and subsequent promotion.
CSD Faculty Join Editorial Board
photos of nathan maxfield top and supraja anand bottomNathan Maxfield, PhD, CCC-SLP has been invited to serve a fourth term as an Editorial Board Member of ASHA's Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research in 2022. JSLHR publishes peer-reviewed research and other scholarly articles on the normal and disordered processes in speech, language, hearing, and related areas such as cognition, oral-motor function, and swallowing. The journal is an international outlet for both basic research on communication processes and clinical research pertaining to screening, diagnosis, and management of communication disorders as well as the etiologies and characteristics of these disorders. JSLHR seeks to advance evidence-based practice by disseminating the results of new studies as well as providing a forum for critical reviews and meta-analyses of previously published work.

Supraja Anand, PhD, was also invited to serve a first term as an Editorial Board Member for JSLHR in 2022. In addition, Dr. Anand currently serving a three year term (2020-2023) on the Editorial Board for Journal of Voice. The Journal of Voice is a world premiere journal that publishes peer-reviewed journal articles on all topics related to voice (e.g., voice science; medicine; surgery; SLP assessment; SLP treatment).
CBCS Students are Ready to Return for First Day of In-person Classes
photos of students attendending in-person classes
week of welcome student cafe
marriage and family therapy information session, october 27 2021 12 noon until 1 pm
rmhc information session, november 3 2021 12 noon to 1 pm
CBCS In The News

'A dramatic policy': Experts weigh in on nursing home staff being required to get COVID-19 vaccines
... help COVID-19 patients Dr. Lindsay Peterson with the University of South Florida's Institute of Aging said she anticipated this would come ...

New Publications
  1. Brown, L. L., Perkins, J. M., Hargrove, J. L., Pahl, K. E., Mogoba, P., & van Zyl, M. A. (2021). Correlates of safety strategy use among south african women living with hiv and at risk of intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 107780122110211. doi: 10.1177/10778012211021108
  2. Conyers, L., Yung-Chen Chiu, J., Rueda, S., Misrok, M., Lynn, V., & McKinney-Prupis, E. (2021). Employment as a social determinant of hiv care and prevention outcomes. AIDS Updates - Recent Advances and New Perspectives [Working Title]. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.98418
New Publications (continued)
  1. Hsieh, M.-L., Wang, S.-Y. K., & Cao, L. (2021). Understanding cyberbullying victimization from an integrated approach: Offline preventive attributes and behavior problems do matter. Victims & Offenders, 16(4), 610–630. doi: 10.1080/15564886.2021.1881002
  2. Wang, S.-Y. K., & Hsieh, M.-L. (2021). Digital robbery. SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-70706-4
  3. Wang, S.-Y. K., Hsieh, M.-L., Chang, C. K.-M., Jiang, P.-S., & Dallier, D. J. (2020). Collaboration between law enforcement agencies in Combating Cybercrime: Implications of a taiwanese case study about ATM Hacking. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 65(4), 390–408. doi: 10.1177/0306624x20952391
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Be sure to include all pertinent information in the format you would like to have posted (title, date, times, location, event description and contact information). Please provide your information in editable digital text format.

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